Back to School with Amazon - Clear the List

Ready or not, school is back in session! Every year, elementary school teachers across the country, dig into their own pockets to shop for school supplies for their classroom. Here’s a way you can make a difference and help a teacher ‘clear the list.’


We want the kids to walk into their homeroom and be excited to start learning, so we decorate the walls, cubbies, desks, create reading libraries and refill last years supplies with new materials. We love doing this because we want learning to be fun but the costs can add up.

Teachers spend on average over $400 of their own money throughout the school year for children’s classroom needs, according to the National Center of Education Statistics. This year, a teacher in Texas, Courtney Jones, started a movement to help teachers get the supplies they need to “Clear the List.” She encouraged teachers to create a list of the items they need and share it on social media with the hashtag #clearthelist.

The response has been overwhelming! Kind people everywhere started searching for the hashtag and shipping supplies from Amazon. The movement has been a huge success in Texas and California and hopefully other states will benefit from the generosity as well.

We all know that teachers do not get paid enough. We teach because we love what we do and hope to make a positive difference in a child’s life. If you would like to help a teacher get the supplies he or she needs, search Twitter and Facebook for the hashtag #clearthelist or check out our Amazon Teacher Supplies page for some ideas. You can also drop off a box of supplies to your local school and the items will be distributed to the teachers who need them. You do not have to clear the entire list, a small donation of pencils, glue sticks and tissues is greatly appreciated.

I work in a district that is incredibly supportive of their teachers and what their students need in the classroom, as I know so many other wonderful teachers do too. Although some of our student’s families get their supply list and cringe at the amount, any donation will help those teachers make sure that each student has what they need to be successful in school.

If you are a teacher and would like to set up your own Clear the List, here is video to help get you started, YouTube. Post your list to our Facebook page so we can find you.

Please, share this blog on your social media so we can spread the word and help teachers clear their lists!

Wishing everyone a great school year!

Here are some 1st grade classroom must haves:

Colorful Paper Storage Baskets

Box Tape

Turn in basket, folder drop off, important papers to pick up, I use these every day!

You may laugh, but this stuff holds my whole classroom together! It’s the only thing that doesn't come off of the walls and is great for quick, small time lamination.


Color Word Cards

Alphabet Letters


Anchor Chart Paper


Number Words

with Subitizing


Expo Markers

Mr. Sketch markers just make me happy when I am using them on chart paper for morning message or making anchor charts.


Easel with a White Board

Every teacher needs an easel! I use it for checking in, anchor charts, reading groups, and math centers! 

Zones of Regulation

These have been a HUGE help!


I hope this gives you some idea of the things elementary teachers need and use throughout the school year. You can find more ideas here.

Please comment below if you have other suggestions or know of a teacher who could use some help to Clear the List.

Just for fun: Here’s a funny video about back to school from One Funny Mother. #buytheyellowbinder